The gardens attract a great variety of birds and I try to entice them with bird baths and food. So far I've seen a mating pair of Cardinals, along with a juvenile male cardinal, Robins (of course) who enjoy the bird baths in particular, the usual brown chickadees, a pair of Nuthatches and Red Headed Woodpeckers. They are quite vocal--all of them--and it's interesting to see the pecking order (pun intended) of who gets to the feeders first, who gives way when others come by. Sometimes the larger birds vacate when the small birds come by as they tend to travel in packs or as I call them--bird gangs. It makes for an entertaining time, coffee in hand, watching the back and forth. Pictures of some of my visitors will be coming as soon as I can get them used to me sitting close to them to take their pics.
Ultimately too, attracting the birds makes my indoor cats a bit crazy, which is also fun to watch. I think my black and white female, Mitzy, is going to have a kitty coronary one day she gets so excited.
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