

I've been thinking a lot lately about perspective. After attending one day, of a two day photography conference last Saturday, (CIPNE - Commercial Photographers of New England) it has been a topic on my mind. The morning session of this photography conference was a judging of photography in various categories. The three judges were made up of two individuals who have made a living in photography and the third was an art buyer. What has stayed with me is how much I disagreed with the one judge. Each image he found interesting and worthy - I didn't like - at all. Almost without fail I disagreed with him.

What struck me was that his reasoning for liking certain images usually stemmed from his perspective on his own work. I felt he read a lot more into the images than was in the actual image making his perspective biased in my opinion.

But I guess what it taught me more than anything is that we all have our own biased perspective when it comes to what appeals to us in art and imagery. And if I as a photographer, try to find a way to make my work appeal to absolutely everyone, I'll only become frustrated. So on this Saturday, in this cool, dark room watching the images flash before me I realized something important - my images will never appeal to everyone but it is more important for me as the conveyor of the image to find my own joy in what I take and that will come through.

SIDE BAR: Keeping with the perspective theme but going off on a tangent (those who know me well, know this is a trait of mine!), I'm including a series of images I always go back to and enjoy - the hummingbird. I took these last Summer in my friend's backyard. It's a female, Ruby Throated Hummingbird, who on a regular basis came to visit my friend's red Bee Balm flowers. I love Hummingbirds, they are amazing flyers and using my camera to capture stills of this one was such fun. I can't wait for her, and the two who have visited my own yard in the past, to return this year, which will be soon - if they aren't here already. Another sure sign of Spring!


  1. These are insanely beautiful photos!

  2. Thank you, Kim! Hummingbirds fascinate me... I stalked them endlessly this Summer in my garden and my friends, but got nothing close to these from 2008.
